Our Acupuncture Clinic
Our acupuncture clinic is dedicated to helping you maintain a complete state of health and well-being. We are inspired to help you find your natural state of health and to work preventatively with a form of re-balance that is easy, effective and which assists with getting back to the state of continuous energy and vitality.
Eastern thought and acupuncture practices understand that every individual has the capacity to maintain a state of complete health and well-being at all times. Read more about the benefits of acupuncture here. Preventative approaches and retaining balance is the key to helping you release mental or physical pain or ailments that may stop you from living life to the fullest.
At our acupuncture clinic, we are dedicated to helping you feel better physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We work at every level to maintain health and to stay in balance. Our careful assessments and practices are designed to provide you with re-balance in your life while supporting your path to well-being.
Book an appointment with us here.
About Our Acupuncture Doctor, Salin Perayotyucol – Webb
Salin Perayotyucol – Webb is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. She completed a five year program as a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Diploma from The International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ICTCM) in 2009, in Vancouver, B.C., Canada to open her acupuncture clinic.
She successfully passed the Provincial Acupuncture licensing exam (R.Ac ) in 2008 and passed the Provincial Herbal licensing exam in 2009 (R.TCMP), allowing her to practice and serve as your acupuncture doctor.
Salin began her path by learning the origins of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. In 2008, she travelled to China to study to become an acupuncture doctor, including practice of 320 clinical hours at The Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
While studying, she learned hands on Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine & Chinese Massage. To become a more knowledgable acupuncture doctor, she spent a lot of time in orthotics/gynecology/endocrinology (including obesity, diabetes)/ Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology. She also spent time with the inpatient department where she observed the work required with heart and stroke patients, offered as a part of her acupuncture services Nanaimo, BC.
“At the hospital in China where I practiced my clinical hours, there are two departments that work together as one. One is for modern health care, another is for Traditional Chinese Medicine. Both departments are working together to help patients to get the most benefits. I wish that one day this will happen to health care in Canada.”
In 2009, Salin opened her first private acupuncture clinic in the heart of Kitsilano, steps to Granville Island. In 2019, Salin Acupuncture moved to Nanoose Bay, BC, opening the new clinic to serve residents of the area, including Nanaimo, Parksville and Qualicum.
In her private acupuncture clinic, Salin successfully treats a variety of health concerns including pain management, sport injury, stress/depression, gynecology disorder, cold/flu, digestive disorder, children disorder just to name a few areas where she has assisted others in her acupuncture clinic.
“I have been helping a lot of patients with their pain which I have been proud of. I help them go back to work sooner or even in some cases not to have surgery.”
Her Facial Rejuvenation is also popular among women who do not want chemicals like Botox in their body but want natural healing and long lasting results ” Healthy skin starts from within”.
Salin never stops learning, even though she practices as a full time acupuncture doctor. For the last 2 years. she has volunteered at an Integrative Cancer Centre with mentor, Gerard Tan, who has over 25 years experience in cancer care. In her spare time, she takes classes in continuing education to update her skills, so she can remain up to date with current trends in health care. See more of her services here.
Aurora Wellness Center
Aurora Wellness Center and Salin Acupuncture are working together as a team for the optimal health and wellness of our clients.
Not only do we provide Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, but also includes:
- Laser Light Therapy
- Thor Photobiomodulation Therapy
- Bemer Vascular Therapy
- Raynor Naturopathic Massage
- Aromatherapy Massage
- Bio Energy Healing
- Yoga Classes
- Wellness Workshops
Check out more services by visiting the Aurora Wellness Center at www.aurorawellness.com.